This is the first in a series of posts called "More Questions than Answers" There are things/people/sitations that I see around me that leave me so confused. I will have so many questions and no answers and it is time that I share these things with the world. They need to be shared so I can find some one who can then either clarify matters or stew in a dense soup of confusion with me! Answers are encouraged.
I happened to be at a Goodwill in Tacoma, their 'holiday' store.. This is the first picture I took because I was just so baffled by it!
I added some captions for your viewing pleasure. I considered buying this just to figure out what the hell it was. It also has a little light up thing under it. So very confused!!! Questions:: Who the hell made this? Why is it pee yellow? Why is the guy on the bench so scared? Why does that polar bear on the glass Santas shoulder look so wild and scary, yet is wearing a scarf? Is the little polar bear being held against its will?
The next picture I took is a Santa that I am sure was a mistake to make. He appears to be missing his lips and nose, which gives him a very creepy look. They havent broken off, the paint and finish was all intact. Questions: Who would make this? Why would they not add lips? Is this a voodoo doll of Santa? Why give it to Goodwill? Did they give it away because it was bad Christmas juju?
Can any one please clarify??
Questions: Since when do snowmen and creepy scarecrows play together on a haystack? Why is the scarecrow a vampire? Is trying to eat the snowmen? Is the snowman on top trying to make sweet luurrve to the pumpkin? Is that why the scarecrow is chasing the other one? Who mixes fall and winter seasons? If you are a snowman wouldnt wearing things that keep you warm such as hats, gloves, shoes and scarves make you melt? That scarecrow has alot of junk in the trunk huh? The only thing I know for sure is that this thing was a decoration reject!
Questions: Is it just me or are these things creepy? I think they are painted like those portraits where the eyes follow you. Is the third one from the left peeing from its buckle?
Questions: What the tree? Why? A puppet? It is motorized. I assume it sings? It would be better if it spewed anti-sematic remarks huh? Do you think this would be one of those things that sings and talks when it is not being played with? I do. I had a doll like that once and my brothers and sister were convinced it was possessed and killed it!! Maybe this tree and the creep-tastic Santa belong together?
This was there... So just because something has red and green on it together makes it Christmas right?? Im sure the child in a South American country that made this was hoping that it would bring holiday cheer. Felize Navidas, I think?
This little baby took the cake! For the low low price of $3.99 you can take this bad boy home! Putrid water included! I think this is a little nativity scene inside. The glitter makes it so festive inside! Seriously? Who put this on the shelf? If I gave them an old sandwich would they sell that too? Nothing says Christmas like a toxic snowglobe! Would Jesus appreciate the thought on this one?
Have a very Merry Christmas! See you next time!
xoxoxo- Emma Jean