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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

So I made this today, Part 1

So I made this head band today, two actually. This is the step by step of how to make it for yourself. Your going to need a glue gun, glue, a paper plate, ribbon, feathers, felt, pearls and rhinestones, headband.

Step one:
Take a normal headband. This is a Christmas one, so I am def going to cover it!

Glue a little on the inside

Then I wrapped it around the outside, glueing here and there to keep it in place. Then finish around to the otherside.

Step Two:

Cut out a piece of felt in a shape that will work for you. I chose this trianglish shape.

Step Three:

Start attatching the feathers with the glue gun, make a row on the top for the longer feathers.

Like so

I also added some black feathers.

Step Four:

Then I started adding my other feathers, working my way down. I use the top part that is colorful and cut off the rest of the fluffy crap.

Step Five:

I worked them all the way down, added some rhinestones and pearls

Step Six:

Attatch to headband and rock it with pride!!

I also made this one::

I made it the same way, hopefully you make your own!!


Emma Jean

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