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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Gartitude 5-6

Ahh gratitude, what a wonderful thing. It makes sweet things even sweeter!

Sunday the 5th was superbowl. Meh. I am not enticed by it. I did have a great time meeting new people and hanging out with a good friend, I am oh so very grateful she was there or else I would have died from boredom!

Monday the 6th was an exceptional day. I had my art class which I am eternally thankful for. It is the only fun class I have this quarter! We did a group critique of our pieces and I got a lot of positive feedback which was nice. I don't know how I feel about the piece, not sure if it is anything to write home about but it was fun creating. I think I do have a knack for watercolors. I am also greateful that my crazy wife only sprained her thumb, not broke it. The weedwacker bit her! Poor baby..

Today I am thankful that I passed my test. I dont have my score yet but I know I rocked the socks off of my Bio test. Terra helped me study and I am as always eternally grateful for my awesome wife!!

What are you thankful about today?



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