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Thursday, November 4, 2010

My outfit for tomorrow and a tirade on sweat pants.

Screw casual friday! How about Fabulous Friday??!!


                                                          What I like to call the "Ugly Model Pose"

A normal pose lol

Sorry about the no face pics but seeing me with out make up is so not happening on the internet. Ever.

Here is the thought of the day: If you look good you will feel good.
To expand upon that: If you look like you give a sh*t about yourself, other people will give a sh*t about you. They WILL notice you putting in a effort.

Keep that in mind next time you want to snooze your alarm clock and pull on some sweat pants.. I dont think they are acceptable to even go to and 'run errands in'. Not ok. There are other people around. If you run to Starbucks and do not get out of the car, ok, no big deal. But if it involves you going and interacting with other people put SOME effort into it. There is nothing sadder then a woman in sweat pants. Maybe starving children and wounded puppies but not much else. Oh and velor sweat suits dont count. Not ok. If you want to proclaim you have a 'Juicy' booty but that booty into some thing fabulous!!

 A warning.. Wear sweats out and about and you may end up in a hateful post on this blog ha ha!!


Emma Jean


  1. I wear sweats all the time. - Ben

  2. Shame on you! Although I generally dont care about mens fashion, unless there is butt crack showing! Then I care to avert my eyes!
