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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

So I made this today part 2

I also made this headband! I call it Candy Ribbon.
Supplies: headband, 2 different kinds of ribbon, glue gun, glue sticks, paper plate. Paper plate is to put the glue gun on if you dont have a holder, which I dont because I am cheap!

Step one: Cover the headband like the one in the last post. Then pick your ribbons, I am using black and dove grey.

Step Two: 

Cut your ribbons. I did about a foot. I left the black one a little longer to keep it interesting.

Step Three:

Line it up and put a bit of glue once you find a placement that you like, I did mine in the center.

Step Four:

Fold it over like this and glue it down on an angle like so

Step Five:

Fold it over again at a angle, once you find one that you like pinch it and then glue it down.

Step Six:

Keep on folding like so, glueing down any loose parts and get wider as you continue on

Then it will look like this.

Step Seven: Pick your favorite side then glue it to the headband

Step Eight:

Rock it!!!


Emma Jean

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