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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day 17 of 'Do I Need this Want?'

Hello all!
Here is what has been going on..

We have been getting quite a bit of snow here! Not as much as NY gets but a lot for Washington! It is beautiful and all but I dont want to drive in it!

Me and Terra celebrated our five year anniversary on the 12th! We had a super romantic lunch at Dennys. There was candles and roses and violins playing in the background.. Just kidding! I had school that night and had just gotten done volenteering at the hospital, had to squeeze it in! But we had a real celebration on the 14th with our nearest and dearest at a resturant. That was wonderful as well. We did have some other indulgences as well , we went out with a couple friends to celebrate a birthday. All in all I will say that even with all that we managed to make wise choices as far as money goes. We had a coupon for Dennys and got small entrees at dinner, only used the cash we brought to buy drinks at the club.. We have managed to keep our spending under control even with all the temptations!

Sorry this post it a lil boring.. I started school full swing and have been studying my lil booty off! I have a test today in Bioligy and reading stuff about chemistry makes me long for math! I dont do well with abstract things like molecules and protons I guess.

Wish me luck!


Emma Jean

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