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Thursday, January 5, 2012

Day Five of 'Do I Need this Want?'

My sister Star brought up a very good point:::

Star said...
I just want to say that if you buy the kindle book later, then I don't really think that you saved that money. Let's discuss that. You just put it in your wish bucket to buy in February. All I know is you are going to need to put that money in savings back into your account come FEB cause your wish bucket is going to be heavy.

It is a book that I read about in Psychology Today Magazine and it really interest me so I may buy it later. But it is not a impulse purchase of some thing shiny that caught my attention, I have been trying to get ahold of a copy for a couple weeks now. I am attempting to put it on hold in the library or perhaps find it at half priced books.

The lesson that I am hoping will get ingrained into my brain this month is to stop and evaluate my purchases. To stop making impulse purchases and think more carefully about money, that just because I have some money in my pocket doesnt mean I need to go to the mall/craft/thrift store to buy some thing. Also to prove to myself that just because I want some thing doesnt mean I need it. So in theory I wont have a heavy wishlist because I will have f igured out that I dont need those wants. All in good theory!

Some thing is coming of it so far. I had to pay the dentist for part of my bill and also pay for my tabs and I had to money to do it! Me and Terra didnt spend it on coffee or Applebees or stuff like that!

I will be getting my school check soon and I will have some money in my pocket so a true test is coming!!



1 comment:

  1. Well don't go to Target then cause they have shoes on clearance. And almost half of the store is on clearance. I went yesterday because I needed formula. I came out with a lot of wants. :)
