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Thursday, January 26, 2012

DINTW Regrets..

This post is about regrets. This month has taught me alot about how I spend money. I use it as entertianment in the form of shopping, I use it to fill my tummy with yummy, but bad food, spend it on my nails and face, buy clothes that I dont wear all the time. I regret most of those things. I regret getting pedicures! no good reason for them! On fake nails that I soo didnt need. On coffee that is filled with calories. I regret all of that. I dont want to waste money, after all it doesnt grow one trees! I hope that I can keep that in mind and spend money wisely. I have been pretty good for the most part but I did have chinese with my wife that was absolutely delicious that I regret, on the same day drinks with friends that I dont :). I was so happy to see them so I dont regret that!! I only have a few days left and I dont really have a driving desire to go spend a bunch of money.. If I stay clear of sales ha ha!!

Heres to spending wisely!

Emma J

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